1. Blog Post

Your blog post this week should focus on the topics discussed in class. Choose anything that interested you and learn more about it using the references provided as a starting point.

You may like to consider one or more of the these questions (or choose your own):
Why are we asked to blog?
Why do cooperative skills and the ability to participate in online networks matter a great deal?
What is meant when we refer to the public sphere?
Who is the audience for blogs?
What are key events in the history and formation of the Internet?
Which milestones mark the development of social media?
What are pros and cons of the networked lifestyle?
How did the internet evolve?
How has the internet changed over time?
How does the internet work?
What is hyper text, how did this develop and what role does it play in the internet?
What is social software, and what are some forms it takes?
What role did Twitter and social networking play in recent political situations in Iran and Moldova?
What is the Dunbar number and how does it relate to social networking?
What is today’s definatetion of freedom occording to Adam Curtis’ The Trap?
What is game theory and how did the USA utilise it?
Describe public choice theory.

2. Reading

Before next week, read this article: We Are the Web, Kevin Kelly, Wired.